The second release of our limited-edition deck, created as a tribute to the Kings and Queens of the NHS and other key workers who put themselves on the front line while the rest of us spent more time at home.
100% of profits go to charity. 75% to NHS charities supporting the health and emotional wellbeing of those at the front-line of the NHS. 25% goes to Mind, who help to take care of the mental health of key workers who keep our country running.
The first edition sold-out in less than a week, and we were inundated with requests to make more, we were overwhelmed with the response and we eventually we caved in to create more!

Did you know?… High quality playing card substrate uses a layer of flexible dark grey paper sandwiched between two sheets of white? We had no idea until we started production on this project. It’s to stop other players from being able to see through your cards and cheat. A complex back card design also helps with this, but it also makes it possible to hide tiny variations in the design to allow a trained eye to recognise every individual card from the back.
So – be careful when playing cards against someone with an unusual looking deck!

Every single deck in this edition is unique. The white on the outer pack is screen printed. It’s a highly skilled process, which is all done by hand (mesmerising to watch).
The ink goes down slightly differently each time, causing beautiful imperfections which add character.
The box is printed onto a pre-dyed substrate, which means that you don’t get any messy white card edges on the box design. It also ensured that the inside of the box is a beautiful teal-green colour, making it a joy to open each time. Maybe that’s not something everyone will notice, but beautiful, quality design is something that everyone feels.